Pharmacists can contribute significantly to different tasks essential for quality TB care.
Background document on pharmacists and TB control.
FIP and the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership FIP SEARPharm Forum has entered into collaborative participation with Eli Lilly MDR-TB Partnership . The understanding between Eli Lilly and SPF was facilitated by FIP. It is a unique public-private collaboration with the support of Lilly MDR TB in partnership with Government, Chemists Association and the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) in India.
A pilot project (2010 to 2011) has been launched to train pharmacists for the DOTS protocol. For example, case detection & referral, medication management, counseling and overall monitoring of the treatment in selected hotspots of Mumbai and subsequently advocacy campaigns in other cities in 4 to 5 major cities of India. Potential collaborations can be extended for other countries on scaling up of these forms of public/private mix approaches.
For 2011 to 2012, FIP will intensify its activities in engaging pharmacists and national associations of pharmacists in combating TB/MDR-TB with support from Lilly MDR-TB Partnership. In addition, FIP Member Organisations may gain access to tools and resources developed by other partners such as the World Medical Association, International Council of Nurses and the International Hospital Federation. These materials could be adapted by use by pharmacists where relevant.More information about the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership,
The FIP Challenge – a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be made in the 2011 for national pharmacy professional associations (FIP member organization) and national pharmacy student associations (IPSF member organization) to submit proposals on innovative approaches to target the following interventions:
Early identification of TB suspects and referral activities for diagnosis thereby reducing delays in diagnosis, saving costs of care and contributing to increasing case detection.
Support delivery of DOTS treatment focusing on training of pharmacists and patient adherence, so as to enhance treatment success, reducing defaults and contributing to cutting the disease transmission.
Improving rational use of anti-TB medicines and contributing to preventing emergence of drug resistance.
Public education and communication campaigns on TB and MDR-TB awareness
FIP and Advocacy:
FIP and WHO Joint Statement Systematic efforts will be required to enable pharmacists to achieve their full potential in contributing to TB care and control. This may include sensitizing both national TB programs and national pharmaceutical associations on the benefits of working together. Country-specific models of collaboration on the ground may then have to be developed, tried out, documented and scaled up. To this effect, a joint statement from the International Pharmaceutical Federation and WHO would be a first and important global step forward that may help not only in harnessing the role of pharmacist in TB control but also stimulate national and local efforts aimed at full involvement of pharmacists in TB care and control.Such joint FIP-WHO working has been established to develop a Reference Paper on the role of the pharmacist in TB care and control. Following this work, a joint Statement between both organizations will be developed and officially launched at the 71st FIP Congress in Hyderabad, India 2011.
WHO Stop TB Partnership:
FIP has been formally accepted to be a Partner of the WHO Stop TB Partnership initiative in 2010. WHO World Health Day 2011. The theme for WHD 2011 was antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with specific reference to three of the world's major infectious killers: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Together these diseases account for the deaths of five million people annually.