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In the early 2000s, FIP established five regional pharmaceutical forums (following an existing model of the EuroPharm Forum) to further the development of pharmacy practice around the world. The concept was that the forums would bring together national pharmacy organisations in each region in a partnership with the respective regional offices of the World Health Organization (WHO). The aim was to increase dialogue, understanding and activity in each region, enabling the profession to have a greater impact on improving pharmacy services and health, and address the specific needs of each region. The forums were also to be the liaising structure between the WHO Regional Offices and FIP.


The six WHO regions and their corresponding pharmaceutical forums were:
• African Region and the African Pharmaceutical Forum
• Region of the Americas and the Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas
• South-East Asian Region (SEAR) and the SEARPharm Forum
• European Region and the EuroPharm Forum (dissolved in 2015)
• Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) and the EMRPharm Forum
• Western Pacific Region and the Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum


In the early days, forum presidents would attend FIP Bureau meetings and the forums received an annual budget from FIP. However, over time, the relationship between FIP and the forums became increasingly distant, culminating in the event that the forums became observer organisations (completely external to the FIP) and financial support for professional programmes was suspended.

In recent years, both the forums and FIP expressed a desire for a closer relationship with and a sense of belonging to FIP (reflected, for example, in the use of the FIP logo and the recognition of FIP as an integral part of the forums in their statutes). This included a need for stronger support from FIP, both institutional and financial. Initial meetings between the forums and FIP were held in 2019 to explore options for integration, culminating in an agreement to integrate at the 2022 Council meeting in Seville. Pending the membership consultation during 2023, this integration has now moved from agreement to action in 2024.


Benefits of integration
The integration will facilitate FIP in consolidating its presence, visibility and influence across the WHO regions , including enhanced work with the WHO regional offices and partnerships with other regional stakeholders. The WHO regional officers are important stakeholders in the definition of health and pharmaceutical policies in regions, with significant influence on national policies. In addition to global WHO policies, the policy and technical documents of its regional offices are opportunities for collaboration. Furthermore, cooperation among FIP member organisations within a region — given their common geography, and often cultural, economic and political closeness — will be efficient and valuable.

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